Low Cost Covid Antibody Test
To find out the solution of their covid-19 pandemic and explore low cost covid antibody test, scientist are continuously doing hard work and investing a lot of time in their research. Recently great news came to hear. that a robust low-cost imaging platform which utilises lab chip Technology has been created by University of California. Scientists most probably may be available for the rapid testing and diagnosis of antibodies throughout the nation at the end of this year.
The UCI system can go a long way toward the deployment of their vaccine for coronavirus and towards reopening the economic zone of the country. This method needs widespread testing for the virus and its antibodies. So far the antibody testing in the world has been too inaccurate or expensive to reach the required numbers. Hence developing a technology which is sustainable, accurate or less expensive is the need of time.
According to UC experts the new technology will help inaccurate results and quite easy and quick testing process with a reasonable cost. This discovery was reported in the journal lab-on-a-chip which is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
According to a scientist we need to test millions of people a day and we are very far from that after developing this project on a master scale. This accurate testing platform allows public health officers to implement individuals mitigation strategies and are related to reopen the country and its economy to the world and speed of their countries life on a fast track.
How does this covid-19 testing work
by using blood from my fingertips the use test proposes a number of antibody responses to respiratory viruses which also include SARS-CoV-2, this test hardly takes 2-4 hours.
Identifying the response for the viral infections which are similar to covid-19 will keep the hoaster hospitals clear of the patient with the standard colds and flush.
Using blood from a finger prick, the UCI test tests several counter acting agent reactions, which are 14 respiratory infections, including SARS-CoV-2, over two to four hours. Specific reactions to viral contamination with side effects such as COVID-19 will keep medical clinics away from standard cold and freckle patients.
The results are plotted on an easy imaging step. The TinyArray imager consolidates 3-D-printed models with off-the-LED LEDs and a slightly 5-megapixel camera to search for markers for certain antibodies at the same time. This guarantees accuracy equal to the expensive imaging framework, yet sufficiently convenient to ship anywhere at a price of $ 200.
Similar gadgets may similarly process the results of commonly used nasal swab tests for SARS-CoV-2, with the goal of allowing patients to secrete COVID-19 and its antibodies Can be tried.
Until now, most immune response tests only screen for a pair of antigens, unfamiliar substances that cause the body to deliver antibodies.
“A month or two ago, the test was seen as somewhat of a Wild West,” said Zhao, a teacher in the pharmaceutical sciences that includes the most SARS-CoV-2 neutralizer tests, “just not accurate. . “
Testing outlines for the full scope of antibodies required for solid results requires imaging machines that cost $ 10,000 to $ 100,000 and are extremely large for board use. To obtain one of these machines, regions without assets need to send their examples to external laboratories for testing, meaning that the results take days rather than hours.
Tremendous Impact
Massive scope testing will reveal which level of population COVID-19 has never yet had side effects, which will likely affect general wellbeing and resumption options.
“Imagine a scenario in which a large scale of individuals in a network have just transitioned to the things they are doing?” Zhao said. “This implies that you are close in achieving group sensitivity.”
In addition, understanding how and when antibodies are delivered and how long they last will be important in the creation of a compelling vaccination and regulating correct measurements. This may be basic for the time being if the infection changes, requiring a much larger number of refreshments, like annual influenza.
The UCI group in Orange County has just finished 5,000 trials, and the ultimate objective is to test 20,000 instances per day for each unit. Analysts include UCI’s new companies Velox Biosystems Inc., Nanomune Inc. Has worked closely with. They expect the TinyAir imager to be ready to be communicated to the US before the end of 2020 and are working with researchers from Uruguay, Russia and Thailand to create a comparable framework for their countries.
“It would be extraordinary for a low-paid nation,” Hede said. “As the content of the gadget is modest and simple to acquire, the platform is anything but difficult to fabricate and use in low-asset areas, leaving trials open globally.”